1) i have a scorching sunburn and look like quite a lobster, but i spent hours lounging on harvard yard lunching on delicious food with a group of my absolute favorite people. avocado bruschetta, mango salsa, red cabbage and raisin cole slaw, pavlovas, brie, sparkling cider and more tortilla chips than we knew what to do with? so. so. so. goooood.
2) i spent the majority of my weekend playing outside with my friends, be it romping around davis square on a tequila buzz or getting blisters on my hands from the monkey bars at the playground up the street. this weekend felt like SUMMER.
3) i cannot stop listening to the shout out louds and the love language. the love language are getting a post of their own because jessie took some amazing, amazing photographs at their show the other night, but in the meantime, i will blast their "lalita" along with the SOL's "very loud" on repeat and dance around my apartment while i clean up the remnants of weekend debauchery.
4) i found my sunglasses, my camera and my missing favorite earring. scoooore.
5) my thao tickets came in the mail, along with the latest issue of paste magazine! so excited. i've been meaning to pick up paste for awhile. this is going to be a pretty heavy week on the ear drums: i'm going to go to tt's tomorrow night for the sounds' show with jessie, the bodega girls are playing harper's ferry on friday, and i'm hopefully going to be writing some new reviews/features for chicks with guns in the near future.
6) the city is in such an incredible mood. the sox have trounced the yankees SO FAR in their three game series, but it's only the start of the seventh inning of the third game and i don't want to jinx it. i love watching baseball on my couch. my daddy would be so proud. haha.
7) it's nice to finally recognize myself in the mirror again. i was heartbroken in january, furious in february, bewildered in march and hopeful in april, and now i finally, FINALLY feel rested and refreshed and able to take control of my life again. i wake up every day EXCITED, man. i'm optimistic and i'm no longer wasting time on wishful thinking and coulda-shoulda-wouldas. i've tried to right my wrongs and it may be too late to salvage friendships and feelings and all that from previous offenses, but i would like to think that the universe'll get me back for that one. it's cathartic, admitting you're wrong, and i swallowed my pride and apologized in the only way i could. i don't know what to expect, but for the first time in four months i'm not dwelling on it and worrying about it. what's done is done, you know? my hurt and my heartbreak are no longer controlling my outlook and my feelings and that's something to be ecstatic about. i feel like me again. it took a little longer than i liked for me to get back here, but that's worth noting all the same.
i think you meant absolute favorite people minus 1.